This week we started one of our units which I'm really excited about. And that's of course observational drawing. I did this unit in the BTEC course quite a few years ago now and it was one of my stronger units. now that I'm doing it at HNC level I'm expecting more of a challenge So we came in on Thursday morning and sat down ready to start. we didn't know what to expect. just that we would be drawing. we are then instructed to bring the extra chairs from the second room through which was odd as we had plenty for the students. We then moved all the tables back to make way for all the chairs we brought through. We then we witnessed the creation of a mountain of chairs for us to draw. This was the first task we were set out to do which was on yesterday. We were to draw using only line work which was an interesting challenge. it made us think more about the definite shapes of the objects and we had to work out perspective. We were given ...
Welcome to my blog. Here I will be posting a collection of my art work aswell as interesting topics related to art.