This unit has been a lot of fun, but it seems to have went by really quickly. When I started this unit, I almost regretted doing sculpture due to the amount of time it takes to create a finished piece. So I took the approach of making up smaller casting that would have the potential to lead to bigger things. These small experiments worked out really well I feel. I can definitely see potential in taking them further to larger more finished ideas. I feel pretty confident about this unit and I feel like I was able to plan out the whole unit fairly quickly. I managed to gather enough research to fuel my ideas and which inspired me to think differently. My knowledge of the materials I used has grown greatly too, I wish I did more with the liquid latex but I might have a chance to experiment more in the Final Major Project unit. If I was to do anything differently. It would be researching the materials more before diving in and wasting it. I'm speaking mainly about the alginate I use...
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