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Elisabeth Kley

Dark Blue Flower BottleLarge Round Yellow, Red & Lime Bottle

Recently we started looking at Ceramics, which is a subject that interests me quite a bit. I love the feel of clay and the process of creating a finished piece. I have some experience with clay but I am mainly self taught. clay can be very unpredictable at times, mainly during the firing process. I've had many sculptures fall apart on me after this process. This is possibly due to air bubbles in the clay

So I went online to find out some examples of ceramics and I came across these eye catching pieces by Elisabeth Kley. She creates these fantastic vases with brightly coloured designs. I would like to give one a go in this style. I'm not sure how easy it'll be to create a vase but shouldn't be that difficult.

Elisabeth's sculptures feature colourful peacock designs and birdcages which make for good opportunities to incorporate a vivid colour pallet. I might go on a similar route with my designs. Id like to incorporate as much colour as possible. I would love to watch the whole process step by step on how she achieves these great pieces, I don't think there is any videos that show Elisabeth but I'm going to look up similar techniques.

I feel like I'm starting to bring some ideas together in my head, I'll definitely try and do a vase in the same style as Elisabeth but I feel like I need to do a little more research. I will do a follow up report when I get the chance to do one of these pieces


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